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April 23, 2020

For the things which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me..." 

-Job 3:23-24

When Job was tested he lost everything but his life and wife. Despite the heartache, misery and tears he was able to say, "…naked came I out my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.Job 1:21.

In all his tragedy Job did not blame God. This was exemplary behaviour. At the time, Job was diligent and hard-working in all his dealings yet trouble came.

The question in all this is did he still have a fear of loss, as it seems to state above?

Today I want to talk about fear.  Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, speaks of fear as being “a painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger."

Fear is healthy in some circumstances while not in others. For instance, keeping our children away from the edge of a cliff or river for fear they will fall is healthy. Likewise, when working with machinery a cautionary approach due to fear of injury is preferred above folly. In fact, using a risk management approach to life is a practical approach that minimises unnecessary loss.  

However, there are times when we are called upon to abandon some fears, such as when whistleblowing or standing up about an issue, or helping someone risky in need, perhaps helping our enemy, or giving some money or goods when there is little chance of return. 

All these instances are separate from the reverent fear of God to which we are called. Our key verse speaks of the importance of handing over of all we have to God…saying goodbye to all we have long before it goes!

Some can say goodbye to all they have because of great interest in self-preservation. They don't mind throwing others "under the bus!" However, that's not the handing over to which I am referring.

In his enlightening book, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen states,"the soul attracts that which it fears.” He says the issues we fear are in exact proportion to what comes upon us.

We remove that fear this way. When we line up all we have, including our family members, our present goods and chattels and all our ambitions, and resign ourselves to the fact that all could go, just as in Job's case, the only thing then that Satan has over us is the taking of our own life. So we resign ourselves to giving that also over to God, and we become free of all fear. Satan's bargaining power has been fully stripped, and he no longer holds a knife to our throat saying "do what I say, or else!"

Satan can no longer hold to us to ransom by threats of taking our lives or those of our family or friends, or our goods, aims and desires. We can worship God in all freedom without fear. So often do we hear of people being held to some sort of ransom due to fear of loss. Only when we have given all of it over to God can we say in truth, …naked came I out my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21.

Today's prayer: Dear Lord, for so long have I held onto things in my heart that I didn't realise could be held over me. Please help me abandon all the things I fear losing — my spouse, my children, my goods, my memories, my present aims and future desires and give them into your hands. Only then can I be free from the threat of loss. Only then will I remove any power Satan has over me. Please help me understand that all these things are already yours and not mine.


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