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Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses

Updated: Aug 23, 2019

…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us

Hebrews 12.1

Q. How do we lay aside a weight? We need to answer this carefully, as that answer will be one of the most critical responses in our walk of faith. It may remove many future stumbling blocks from our lives.

A further question is, What do those weights represent in your life?

An illustration

When a deep-sea diver needs to get to the surface, he cannot 'lay aside' every weight immediately. If he does, he will come to the surface too quickly and risk decompression sickness, otherwise known as 'the bends'.

This change is where an abundance of nitrogen gas enters the body tissues. Having an end result of body damage seems pointless, doesn't it?

The proper diving protocol is where they release weights according to a safety standard. God operates using a similar protocol. God doesn't want us damaged as we abandon all for his glory. He doesn't want us to find we have done it too quickly and experience further issues later on. God wants a measured approach.

Jesus said we are to count the cost.  Counting the cost of laying aside every weight is necessary. It means we make a list of the burdens and pressures that affect us personally in terms of importance and commence removing the critical ones first, working down that list.

When we perform this exercise, we often find some very useless weights in our lives, which we think are essential at the time. Once shed or replaced with godly weights (burdens for others, reading, praying, helping, tithing), our growth is quicker and more stimulated.


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