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Where To With Jesus? 461. June 18 2023

KEY SCRIPTURE: Psalm 118: 24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

RELEVANCE Where are you going with Jesus today? What have you got planned?

Today is a new day. We've been washed in the blood of the lamb, Jesus. We are not conformed to this world, and we've been transformed by the renewing of our minds. Can a day start any better than this?

Let's first praise the Lord for all the benefits coming our way today. Keep your senses open for them; they will be there.

So where are you taking the Lord today? He is with you everywhere you go, so what extraordinary things will you show Him? How will you praise and talk with Him him during the day?

Morning prayer and reading? Ask Him to show you new understandings. Are you talking to Him as a mate or friend? Make sure you have the general chatter with Him as you go about your stuff today.

Don't only dump your troubles on Him. He's not a waste basket. He loves the hear from us, even about work, places and people we visit, and thoughts and ideas we formulate. He wants the lots. We limit our conversation when we restrict ourselves to just biblical or spiritual things. He is the God over all our life, not just the holy days and times.

And only take Him to places He would go if he were here as a human being. He loves our company, and the more we talk, the easier the discussions get. The more we share with Him, the more comfortable we become with our Saviour.

Today is brand new. It is never "same old, same old" with Jesus. Every new day brings exciting revelations and joy. If we prepare ourselves in expectation to see and experience them, they will come.

God bless your day. May it be full of wonders. Praise the Lord.

PRAYER Dear Lord, thank you for such a wonderful day. As you know, I've still got my troubles, which you are working on, but I just want to praise and thank you for the day and what I can expect if my eyes are open.

Photo by Simon Wilkes


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