Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
Jude 24-25
This doxology is spoken at the conclusion of many church meetings and other functions, and is simply uplifting.
The Lord’s pleasure is to “present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy“. How much love is in that passage alone?
The Saviour’s love for us is immeasurable and his care infinite. He must weep with joy every day as he sees us trying to implement the value of his scriptures into our lives. He does not grow weary of helping us grow and mature and learn from our mistakes as we seek his fullness in our lives.
He is “able to keep us from falling”. As we mature, we hope to make less mistakes, and that can be the case if we are Attentive to his messages.
Presently, I am taking a company through training in the character quality of Attentiveness (Showing the worth of a person or task by showing by giving my undivided concentration).
As I go through this particularly topic, I cannot help thinking of whether I am attentive to the message of the Lord at all times and completely drawn to him undividedly in prayer time.
When we read scripture, we get pleasure as it resonates with our spirit. Although, sometimes we feel a bit guilty as it reproves us over some issue. When we are Attentive to what we are reading, and not just rushing through it, we show the full worth of God by giving our compete attention to it, as if it were God himself speaking to us.
Our prayer times are similar. We gain much benefit from being fully Attentive, whether praying privately or in company. When we pray, we are in dialogue with Almighty God on his throne. We have come before the throne of grace to verbally give and receive, and sometimes we can be guilty of letting our minds wander.
If we put that into context, it is like God almighty trying to speak to us from his throne and keep our attention while we are walking around the Throne Room looking at the pretty pictures or talking to the guards.
Next time you are in prayer or reading the Word, think on Attentiveness and see if you can improve those special meetings with the Lord.