What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
How many times have you read this verse and thought of the workings within a temple? Why did Paul use that reference?
The temple was the place of sacrifice and worship: a clean place. No sin or thoughts of sin were to be found within. It was a place of Holy work. It was also used in the New Testament as a reflection of our own lives.
Paul said our bodies are not our own. We have been purchased. He should know, as his life was one of complete offering unto God through Jesus Christ. Likewise, the temple was not its own. It was raised up for the praise and exaltation of the living God. When we commit our lives to Jesus Christ, we also devote our subsistence to Him. Our all. In asking the Holy Spirit into our lives to transform our pitiful existence, we in essence hand over our body, mind and spirit to the Lord. Like the temple, our reality is then to serve the Lord. We have been bought with a price.
What was that price? The intensity of the pain suffered by Jesus during His beatings. His silent torturous agony as the spikes were driven into his limbs by merciless soldiers wielding steel mallets. As the perfect offering for our lives, Jesus bore the full force of Satan's hatred.
Yes, our salvation is free, bought with the highest price available — the barbarous death of God's only begotten Son. Jesus rose again through the purity of His life and the promise of His Father. Should not we walk the same road of virtue?
Today's prayer: Dear Lord, it is always good for me to be brought back to the reality of the price paid for my salvation. It drives home the fierceness of Jesus' death and what he went through for me. Please help me live a life of virtue, keeping my temple clean and presentable at all times for my Saviour.