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September 24, 2019

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

- Matthew 16:25

One of our Christian objectives is to lose our life for the sake of the Lord.

Not so much the breathing and heart pumping parts, but the personal desires that aren’t of God. They must all be burnt up of the altar of sacrifice, as they are useless to the Kingdom. 

Because of this scripture  we must ask ourselves the question, do we want to find our life? Our real life? The one we are called by God to find? 

If the answer is yes, then, we must lose our current life, burying it with the sin when we come to Christ. 

On the other hand, scripture states that if we want to save our lives, that is, increase our selfish desires, exalting them on pedestals and holding up our dreams as if they are God’s dreams, then we shall lose it in the end. At the finish line of life, we won’t be the victorious winners we set out to be; we will be on the losing end; the lost. 

Losing our life for Christ’s sake must be processed. It is a big decision and can’t be taken lightly. Jesus asks us at the beginning of our journey to count the cost of following Him (Luke 14:27-30). One of those costs is changing the foundation of our beliefs.

Romans 11 says we are grafted into better rootstock — Christ. Therefore our foundational desires change as part of that graft. We sometimes wrestle with that change as we grow in Christ.

Part of the journey is making sure we stay so close to Christ that the old life and its desires cannot be resurrected, because our old nature will try and do that. The new rootstock can then feed Christ’s nutrients to our vital parts increasing our fruit and therefore our value several-fold. 

Today’s Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the whole rootstock concept and  the changes that take place in me. Thank you for changing my desires. Please help me continue those changes until my life is fully changed to your desires and all your hopes for me.   


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