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Rejoicing: A Decision. 448. April 20, 2023

Updated: Apr 23, 2023

KEY SCRIPTURE Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

RELEVANCE King David's Psalm 118 is a blessing from beginning to end. Almost a life story of faith and trust, David takes us through his decisions to rely on the Lord above people and kings and their promises.

Rejoicing is primarily a decision we make. Anyone can rejoice when their day is going well, yet it becomes increasingly difficult when trials come or if the day goes downhill.

What happens to our trust when we begin the day praising and finish it with cursing? Where did our mighty praises of victory go? What hindered our thanksgiving?

The Lord knows a day holds many avenues for His people. We plan our day and get blindsided by a comment or phone call, unexpected extra work, or an increased water bill.

Learning to praise through issues is an exercise for the soul. It builds up our resistance to the downcast spirit but teaches us to go one step further and rejoice, knowing this is still a day the Lord has made. Not just the commencement of the day but right up until it ends.

A day is not sloped like a park slide where we begin high but end low until we bounce off it, landing in the mud. But it does have its moments that nudge us off the course of ending the day well.

We often forget God's Word about each day and the blessings they bring if our hearts are attuned. The Lord's mercies and compassions are renewed EVERY morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23). Our 'inner man' is renewed EVERY day. (1 Corinthians 4:16).

And this essential reminder that although we get knocked heavily, we rise up afterwards to continue rejoicing. Proverbs 24:16a

Let's thank God for the ability to rejoice. If King David, who went through more troubles than an innocent shepherd boy should have, can rejoice, let's go forward today doing the same.

The Apostle Paul echoed David's principles. Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4

PRAYER Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of being able to rejoice through the times I come last—those tough times where I just scrape through the day—and when I'm in the winning circle. Please remind me to rejoice through all times, knowing you have provided my entire day.

Photo by Hudson Hintze


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