KEY SCRIPTURE Song of Solomon 2:8-15 RELEVANCE Many followers of Christ get tired and weary. Like Moses' desert walk, sometimes the Way feels like all sand and no water. Troubles on all sides with the end a long distance away. For those in that situation now, keep your head up. No trial is forever. No sky continually holds to a black cloud. Sunshine always follows. Neither does the heat of day remain forever without a cool reprieve. Times of refreshing always come. There is a beautiful song of hope by Bill & Gloria Gaither and sung by Cynthia Clawson. Let the words take hold of you and lift you up. The Lord encourages us to hold fast. Why? Because one day, our Lord will return for His faithful. And what a glorious time from then on. Hear the voice of my Beloved Gently call at close of day. Come, my love, oh come and meet me Rise, oh rise, and come away. Winter's dark will soon be over And the rains are nearly done. Flowers bloom and trees are budding; Time for singing has begun. I have waited through the shadows For my Lord to call for me. Now the morning breaks eternal; In His light, His face I see. Now the morning breaks eternal And at last His face I see. When you see the fig tree budding, You will know the summer's near. When you hear the words I've spoken, You will know my coming's near. Keep on listening my beloved, For my coming's very near. PRAYER Lord, I praise you this day for your encouragement and your promises to me. Thank you so much. Let us walk together through another day.
Photo by Felix Mittermeier