KEY SCRIPTURE: Matthew 2:1-2
Now, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
I've been thinking about the topic of relevance. Stories need to be relevant to listeners, not the narrators. Otherwise, we would never need to talk with others. We could excite ourselves with our stories, pretending we'd never heard them. Sound fair?
Our own stories are often relevant to us for personal emotion's sake, and that's important, but as Christians, some of our stories need to plant or water a seed in the heart of the hearer. It becomes pointless talk when a listener is not emotionally attached to someone else's story.
How many irrelevant stories have you shared? I know I've shared a few. Just ask my wife and son, or anyone else who knows me for that matter.
Stories have immense power when they are relevant. That's why the Lord wants us to think before we speak. In time, we can become good at it.
What is your relevant story with Jesus in the manger? What attachment do you have to him that you share with others?
Wise men from the East had a good story. They saw the specific shining star they'd waited for, made the journey to worship Jesus, the King of the Jews, and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. After that, the wise men's lives were never the same.
Another great story came from some local Bethlehem shepherds. An angel appeared unto them, and they went to worship the baby in the manger, the new Saviour. The shepherd's lives were never the same. How could they be? For that angel said, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
When it comes to the birth of Jesus, there is relevance for every person on earth. What did this child do for you that you can share? What changes to your life did His coming make that rendered you 'Never the same?'
When talking to people, do you tell them that Jesus can bring them peace? Or do you share the peace He brought you personally? Do you share how He has blessed you until you are running over with love, kept you in the shadow of His wings in times of trauma or storm, or given you such an abundance of joy that it is too hard to contain?
Your personal story about what Jesus brought with Him at His birth can make a magnificent difference in the lives of others because we don't know what they are lacking. We have little idea of the inner workings of another— I mean deep down. Even when they share or explain their suffering, they rarely touch the bottoms of their hearts.
But the Holy Spirit, through a personal story of real change, can ignite interest to satisfy the most intense longing or soothe the deepest pain. He can bring a new life of rest to the weariest of souls.
What relevant story can you share of the wonderful changes wrought since Jesus came into your heart?
All believers have joined the wise men and local shepherds in the sense that our lives will never be the same.
This Christmas, let's help people understand what the baby Jesus came to do—enrich lives so they will never be the same!
Dear Lord, thank you that in many countries, the birth of your Son is still celebrated. Thank you for this time of the year when people slow down, come together in peace, and sing those valuable carols. Oh, that all of them would come to understand the love and blessings that came from the life of that small child, our Saviour.
Photo by Etienne Girardet