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April 12, 2020

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. 

-Colossians 4:15

This scripture has a couple of interesting points. However, the section I prefer to talk about today is the last bit, about the “church which is in his house.” 

Just like our brother Nymphas, we are all now having Church in our house. Whether we are congregating around the kitchen table for prayer and chats, doing our own Bible studies, watching our Pastors or others deliver something via video, or Zooming or Skyping with family or friends, it is in our houses. This is a dynamic change for us. After so many years of congregating together, we are now resigned to separation.

Some people are getting very lonely and frustrated in these times, and feeling the pressures of isolation. I understand. I've been to prison. When I was in Pentridge Prison, we were let out of our cells at 7.45 am and put back in at 4.00 pm every day to spend the next 16 hours in a 10' x 8' bluestone-walled cell with one high window, a thick wooden door, a jug and small portable TV, and someone we barely knew.

Perhaps starting today, you could try something different? Possibly make a plan for the next few days to surrender more of yourselves to Christ. Get the family around, increase the size of your prayer list, and maybe just spend a bit more time in prayer than last week. If you haven't done it before, offer up a simple praise and thanks offering for all the things He has done for you — a sort-of thanks list!

Let God speak to you again this weekend about your walk and purpose — for what reason He created you!

After speaking to a few people I have found some are under a lot of strain at the moment. Some are sick, some disheartened, while others are under fierce spiritual attack. You don’t need to know their names, but please pray for them.

Timothy was encouraged to pray by Paul, his father in the faith, when Paul said, “I will therefore that men (and women) pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or doubting.”   

Spend some time in rest, but don't spend it all resting, as we may not get an opportunity like this again.

Job walked with God through his life up to his satanic attacks, then walked with Him through them. BUT, even after all that clinging on, God still dressed Job down for thinking he was closer to God than he was. Job, now humbled, and realising he didn't know God as well as He could have, replied with this,“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” (Job 42:5)

Let's please the Lord with our offerings, and increase our percentage of time spent with Him. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit greater freedom to reign over our new house churches.

In the Bible, Paul and Silas when isolated in prison, were praying and praising even at midnight in the heart of that prison. That was their house church for that time, as prison was for me in my time.

Despite being imprisoned now under a type of house arrest, we realise that nobody can imprison the Holy Spirit, so let’s rejoice that we have this time and invest it well :)

Today's prayer: Thank you again, Lord, for this great time of opportunity. Please help me spend it wisely to increase my relationship with you. Show me what you would like me to read or pray about, or meditate on, so I can be profitable. Also, please help those who are presently doing life harder than I am, and be with them today.


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