KEY SCRIPTURE. 1 John 3:22
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
The question, "Are you failing God?" seems self-explanatory, as we always seem to fail Him in so many ways on our path to maturity. But today's message opens up a conversation about when we put God on trial—those times we blame Him for not doing His part when scriptures don't come to pass for us.
A few years ago, I read a story that involved Pastor and Writer R.A. Torrey. He once encountered a situation where the only way to address it was to confront it headlong—most often the right way to do things.
A lady who had been a Christian worker told Pastor Torrey that she could no longer believe in God because when her husband was ill, she prayed for his recovery, and God had failed her: he wasn't healed.
Pastor Torrey pointed her to that excellent prayer scripture, 1 John 3:22 and asked if she was obeying the conditions laid down for her—because we KEEP his commandments and DO those things that are pleasing in his sight.
"I'm afraid I was not," she admitted.
"Then God has not failed you, but you have failed God," said Pastor Torrey.
So completely did the cloud over her life roll away that when Pastor Torrey said, "Let us pray," she was ready to kneel with him and take the whole matter to the Lord.
What a great humility lesson about reading God's Word haphazardly or thinking we know it but only take notice of some of it.
But some people don't believe they need to adhere to any conditions, as God's love should override that clause, and He should give them what they ask.
Many prayers have conditions, but when self-absorbed, we can easily neglect or misread those conditions and judge God. We fail when we don't note how conditional some prayers are.
We prefer not to scrutinise our own failings, yet we have no trouble holding God and others accountable for the same things.
As an object lesson, why don't you locate ten conditional scriptures, write them in the back of your Bible, and see if you've kept your side of the covenant? That will reinforce the mercy God has extended to you so many times that you've lost count—we all lose count of His mercy.
Also, as an objective, if you are basing your prayer on scripture, read the passage in context so you're not plucking it out to suit some idea you might have, and then, if there are conditions, decide to keep your side.
Then, keep praying. Do not give up.
Dear Lord, I can't stop thanking you for your mercy as you overlook my many failings. You have shown your love and faithfulness so many times I am forever in your debt. Please alert me to any conditions I overlook.