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585  A Time to Relax and Contemplate  

585 A Time to Relax—and Contemplate  



At this time of year, many families have packed up their car and caravan or tent and trailer, thrown the kids in the back, and headed to the coast or some favourite destination to enjoy the short holiday they've earned. And they have a ball! For a few years, we used to take the van to Indented Head, where other people were wonderful, and their kids were as well-behaved as kids should be when on holidays. It was great fun, and we loved it.

But this year, I'm Spring-cleaning my shed while Heather paints her new sewing room.

While going through some old books, I found a cardboard box full of old Bibles. You know the type, black leather King James Versions—some over 100 years old. Now, to give respect, I had to find a comfortable chair in the shed and go through them. I don't know about you, but when I do that, I can get lost for hours in the history and writings.

I found one that my eldest sister, Lael, gave our Mum for Mother's Day, May 13th 1956!! (Believe it or not) "To Mummy, Wishing you every happiness. With lots of love and best wishes, from Lael"

The Life of Christ by Frederic Farrar, 1892, At one stage, he was Chaplain to Queen Victoria. The Extent of the Atonement, by Thomas W Jenkyn, 1842. Die Bibel, (pronounced Dee Beeble), 1860. When I bought this in the 80s, the seller said it belonged to his Grandmother, and was carried up and down into the house cellar in WWII when the bombing of Berlin were happening. Also, I have huge Foxes Book of Martyrs, 1873, with brass clips and all. This book was about the slaughter and torture of the protestants during the inquisitions..



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