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574 To My Children: A Letter From God. Nov 10, 2024


KEY SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:15-16

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:


Spiritually speaking, adoption is such a beautiful term. With it comes the glory and significance of our internal cry— Abba, Father. Recently, while dwelling on those two beautiful words, my mind went to a posting from 2017, so I thought I would run it again. It seems to encapsulate our walk in the footsteps of Jesus, particularly today. 


In early 2016, I was asked to deliver a sermon to a group on the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. These churches were sent letters from God through His Son, Jesus Christ, which were then sent via an angel into the ears of John, the beloved disciple, to be transcribed by him and delivered.  What immediately entered my head was the thought, if God wrote a letter to His church today, how would it read?  So, I wrote down how I thought it might go.

A Letter from God to His Children

Niven A. Neyland 

April/May 2016

To the Overcomers….To my Children

To those who would seek the sonship; it is to you I am writing this letter. Hezekiah spoke comfortably to my Levites when he was returning my people unto me, and so I speak comfortably to you now as you seek a closer relationship.

I am calling you to the highest of high callings – full of marvel and light. It is the highest calling I can give a human being, and I seek those of you who would challenge everything present in their lives—to see if it is of me.

My children, I have said that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath entered into the hearts of men or women, that which I have for them. It is glorious, far beyond your comprehension.

Your comprehension has limitations, restricted by your experiences, things you have read, and stories you have heard or heard of.  You are, therefore, limited, and that is why I have given you the Holy Ghost. He will add to your senses that which will reach far beyond your current perspective—if you come closer.

Come deeper into my Spirit, into my Word, into your relationship with me, as it is only within there that you will glimpse the wonders of your future. What I have for you will cause you to weep heavily with joy and anticipation as it will quicken you — make you alive, far beyond your current realm.

Time. In your world, I have added the restriction of time.  This is for a reason. Most things in your world are attached to time: your work, your sport, your travel, your relationships, and even your very lives are all affected by time. Many of your prizes in life are associated with time, as are your punishments. Time is critical to your world and needs to be seen as such.

Wasted time is something I see much of in your world, but with my people, this cannot be the case.  Time, as I have applied it, is your running partner. I have provided it for you to give you an understanding that you must run.

For my Son seeks a bride. Not just any bride, but one who is pure, who has kept herself for her husband, one who has decided within herself to learn the way of royalty, which embodies the saying, Others May, You Cannot!  To be espoused to a King; a King who not only deserves, but expects and will receive nothing less than, the best; A King whose bride only has eyes for Him; for it is his eyes that are only for her; a King who reserved himself to marry his Queen – His one and only; like it was with Adam and Eve, as if no one else were present.

As my servant Ruth said in the example of my Church, “Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.”

Leave all to follow me!

My sons

My Sons: and I call you Sons, in anticipation of you bringing your callings to pass; called, chosen, faithful; pilgrims, warriors, holy ones; where you have come through the servanthood to take your mantle and sceptre within the royal family – and claim your birthright and your blessing. You all commence as servants, but you are being raised to transform into Sons and, therefore, heirs.

It is indeed a good servant of the household who is raised to take a kingdom’s mantle. In your human life how often do you see this, where a servant receives the name and fortune of the benefactor? How often with the rich do you see them honouring their good servants with their name and the keys to their kingdom? Some money or goods, yes, but not the name and not keys to the kingdom!

I AM the richest person in your lives, and I choose to present you with the keys to the Kingdom, under my Sovereignty, but those keys must be earned. I cannot afford novices over my Kingdom, nor for that matter can any kingdom on earth. I have seen kingdoms throughout millennia disappear into history because the recipients of the keys of those kingdoms were not worthy. I love those that love me, and will honour those who honour me.


Overcoming. I ask for overcoming to be undertaking as a life course in each one of you. Do you know what is it I am asking you to overcome?

My Word says, you must overcome the World, The Flesh, and the Devil; the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life; but do you know what that means? Do you know what that represents in your own personal lives? Have you ever taken the time to look?

I have made each of you a human body into which you have been born and developed, where you live, feast, laugh, weep, and ache. It is a human body. It is lustful for many things and reacts to lusts, and that body, combined with the human soul and spirit within, can become addicted to this life; Yes, even with My Holy Spirit within you.

Addiction does not only include the lust for power, money, drugs, alcohol, food or sexual immorality but life itself.

Many of my servants have understood and learned by experience that one can become addicted to all manner of life. Called, not chosen or faithful. Called and chosen, but not faithful.  Many have fallen.

Life is addictive, particularly at this moment, and that is what I need you to understand most of all because the lust for this life is subtle, hardly noticeable until you bring yourself inward to me, and then you see this life as I see it; then you see the world as I see it; then you will clearly see life’s subtle attractions that take you off course daily.

So subtle are these attractions that you have been warned in my Word where my Son presented you with three essential tasks relating to it—Deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me. 

Deny YOURSELF; not me; not your family, not your parents, not your employer, not the government of the day, not your friends, or even your enemies, but YOURSELF. 

I tried to get my people in the desert experience to understand this important spiritual strategy, but they were not willing to deny themselves much at all. They lusted for life, even though their life was one of abominable slavery surrounded by wickedness. They were powerless to escape their surroundings until I did what I did. You will see that you are the same. You need me for freedom.

Overcoming also applies to your inadequacies, those personal inadequacies for the role to which you are called. Some are real, and some are perceived.

Either way, like the parable of the talents, you must work to bring the inadequate to adequate. You must work on your talents according to your callings. How do mere fishermen become leaders of the church and sit upon thrones judging my twelve tribes?  With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.

Take stock of your lives and see how much of the world is in you. Think on your weekly hopes and dreams. Where does your mind want to go by the end of the week? Where is your vision daily?

It is easy to draft a vision for the future; but it is difficult to live it out. It takes a renewed mind and determination to follow a vision daily; to ensure your daily decisions are tracking true and not letting your vision down.

Only the determined will overcome, and you must overcome, for you will be tried by fire. Your building, your life story in me, what you have done, how you have listened, how you have obeyed, how you have helped my Kingdom and its people, how you have built up your faith by overcoming each day, how you have communicated with me in the Spirit, how you have denied yourself daily just to do one thing – follow my Son.  How you have worked to learn and retain certain knowledge, the knowledge of My Kingdom, and how you have added to that, My wisdom and My understanding and My love, for, in the end, it is these that will survive the fire.

Every successful corporation has a vision for itself.  Each one of you is a corporation within yourself—a kingdom; and you need the vision for your Kingdom to fit the Kingdom to which I am calling you.

Like the desert experience at the crossing over of my Jordan River, your new Kingdom must force the old kingdom out, along with its king. It all must go. Two cannot walk together when they do not agree, and these two Kingdoms will never agree, so settle it in your minds and hearts, and seek ye first the good Kingdom and my righteousness, and the other kingdom will fall from its place, and THEN all those things shall be added unto you.

When your hopes and dreams are on the eternal; when your daily and weekly desires are simply – to be with me; when you have dropped all to find me, to come deeper into my presence, then you will find the natural within you will be overcome by the spiritual within you.

As with gas in a vessel, where you release the valve and it escapes and expands into the surrounding atmosphere, so too will the Holy Ghost expand within you if you release Him. As you open that valve in your lives and allow Him to perform His necessary work, He will permeate every part of you; you will join others to come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

He will be sensed in every part of your lives; His fragrance will be a sweet-smelling savour to both me and your community; His presence will be noticed by all who come into contact with you; and His changes, those he makes within you, will, most of all, be seen and felt by you. Your life, whether you are small or great, rich or poor, free or in bonds, will be one of continuous joy as you go on to comprehend the length, breadth, depth and height of the abundance that He brings.

Come closer; I am yearning for you. Come deeper; I want you to experience all I have for you. Leave your earthly life behind and come into the glory of my everlasting kingdom and its wonders. Seek my presence. Open the door into the holy and sup with me. Seek and learn the marriage vows for your eternal wedding, and enter into that beloved church, which is his body.


Abba, Father, thank you for the adoption of kings. I can only bow before your presence and praise you for your love.  

Photo by Debby Hudson


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