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561 The Biblical Human Body. Sept 12, 2024

KEY SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1:1 & 2:7

In the beginning God CREATED the heaven and the earth.  

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.


Is our understanding of creation too simple, too undetailed? 

Due to sciatica pain in my right leg over the past months, I posted 555 The Nerve of the Body. In it, I spoke about the nervous system in the church and the unity that God needs from us to form His Body. 

Since then, I've had an MRI and found the cause (of the sciatica). My back has issues possibly requiring the help of a neurosurgeon. 

Lower lumbar L2/3 disc bulge, L3/4 disc protrusion, canal stenosis, contact with the right L4 descending nerve root and L3 exiting nerve root. L4/5 disc bulge and impingement of exiting L4 left nerve root, L5/S1 disc bulge and severe exit stenosis. (Stenosis is the narrowing of canal space).

So, again, I began googling spinal information and came across further astounding data, revealing more of God's numerical thumbprint. 

I've previously written about biblical numbers I found in the spinal structure while waiting in a Chiropractor's room in the 90s. The spine is made up of 7 (Holy Spirit) Cervical vertebrae, which affect our senses; 12 (God the Father) Thoracic vertebrae, which affect our heart, stomach, and central region; and 5 (Jesus Christ) Lumbar vertebrae, which cover the lower regions. 

The spine, or vertebral column, is a segmental set of 33 bones and associated soft tissues. These comprise the 24 above, the sacrum, which has fused vertebrae, and the coccyx, which has 4. (Jesus' body was both killed and resurrected in His 33rd year.) 

Further,  12 cranial nerves emerge from the brain and supply the structures of the head, neck, thorax, and abdomen. Once you begin connecting the numbers that God has purposefully sown into His creation, it becomes astounding. If God designed a part of the body with 7 components instead of 6, every connecting part, whether muscle, ligament, tendon, or nerve (and the body has millions of nerves), must also fit numerically to allow the many transfers of information in their right order and timing.

For instance, spinal nerves and cranial nerves can be 

  • Afferent – they carry information from the body to the brain;

  • Efferent – they carry information from the brain to muscles and glands;

  • Mixed – they contain both afferent and efferent fibres.

This electrical transport system is similar to the blood circulatory system (cardiovascular), which delivers nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body. It consists of the heart and the blood vessels running through the entire body. The arteries carry blood away from the heart; the veins carry it back to the heart. 

God began with the end in mind, and what a breathtaking masterpiece we and the rest of His creations are. 

I think I've mentioned that Moses' Tabernacle had 206 components, which is the exact number of bones in the human body. 

No wonder so many of history's great people were ardent creationists. Michael Faraday (Faraday's Law/electro-magnetics), Isaac Newton, Samuel Morse (Morse code), Blaise Pascal (Hydrostatics/Barometer), John Lister (Antiseptic surgery—think Listerine), Humphrey Davy (Thermokinetics/safety lamp), and William Ramsay (Isoptopic chemistry).

I could easily name another hundred greats whom you may not know but whose methods or systems you use today and who were all creationists. 

This history of believers makes it hard for us to understand how anyone working in medicine, astronomy, geology, or any field that displays the finger of God could not believe in Him if they thought outside their teachings. 

Don't let anyone—ANYONE—tell you that there is no God. They are themselves living evidence.    


Dear Lord, the origin of the complexities of the human body should be astoundingly obvious to even the most passionate unbeliever. How can one be walking evidence and not see it? Please help me to help others see.


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