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559. The Quiet Place. Sept 1, 2024

KEY SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.


There are two closets in our lives. One is a physical room or zone where we meet with the Lord and pursue prayers and fellowship; the other is a quiet place within the hearts of the Lord's people. It is a personal place—a reserved place. This closet within the closet is the storehouse where we store and partake in our deepest moments with God. 

Luke 12:3 shows that others use their closets to devise mischief and devising evil. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

But it is here that the Lord’s Church—His Ekklesia—grows in Him, and He grows in them. Like the burning bush, it is reserved for meeting with the Lord. It's a place where we remove our shoes, for it is holy. 

We are vessels of the Lord, and joy fills us when we enter His presence in that quiet place. In the closet of our lives, when we set time aside to meet with our Lord, to experience that joy with Him, to sing with Him, to open up and let the song come forth from our hearts, we grow and become strong.

The Lord asks us as His Ekklesia to set aside that holy place, where He will meet with us for sweet communion in the Spirit.

Sometimes, the Lord asks us to consider our growth when we are challenged by scripture or someone's testimony and feel we are not doing enough. We become aware that we need to pray and read more, have fellowship with others more often, and reserve more time for praise and meditation.

During these reflective moments, He asks us to contemplate our walk and ability to stand firm in troubled times and set things in order.

Our Lord, our redeemer and counsellor, our prince of peace, is calling us to get excited about our opportunities to meet with Him in that quiet place—where we shut the door and our hearts meet with our Saviour. 

He desires to meet with us, strengthen us, and show us how to stand upon our feet and be holy unto Him. 

Let's heed the Lord's cry for intimacy, enter that quiet place, and commune with Him in joy, peace, love, and greeting. Here, we will be blessed beyond measure.

Praise the Lord!


Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace I find in my quiet place when I meet with you. Engage my spirit, and teach and strengthen me during our beautiful communion.

Photo by Michael Hamments


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